Talented Tina Sugandh's hot track, Break Me, is currenlty on The Billboard Club Play Chart and she is definitely breaking in...
Perry Twins: You have a song on the new soundtrack for the movie, The Clique. Did you record the song specifically for the movie?
Tina Sugandh: Yes! This was actually a whole new experience for me. I always write my own songs, and I’ve been fortunate enough to write and sing on quite a few soundtracks now like “Around the World in 80 Days”, “Ice Princess”, “Raise Your Voice” and more. I also wrote the lyrics and melody for the songs on my debut album, “TablaGirl” which will be out in January. With the exception of the Christmas Classic, “White Christmas” which I recorded for the “Christmas With the Kranks” soundtrack, this is the very first time I recorded a song written by someone else. I felt somewhat like I was playing a role when I was singing it. It was a new experience, and it’s a really fun song! It feels great to be on the soundtrack!
PT: Do you base any of the songs that you write on personal experiences?
TS: Yes, absolutely. Most of the songs on my album are from personal experiences. “You Without Me” is about someone that I have loved so deeply every minute of every day of my entire life. “Jao” is about evading negativity and negative people and the importance of a peaceful positive state of mind, which I believe is so important to strive to achieve on a daily basis. “Indestructible” is about me being a powerful woman and knowing that no one can mess with me ever again now that I am self aware of my own worth. I really wanted to use my personal experiences to help self-empower those that connect with my lyrics. The only song on my upcoming album that’s not a reflection of who I am is “HisStory”, which is a song that reminds us of some of the highly valuable and healing messages that Gandhi strived to spread throughout the world.
PT: Who are some some of your favorite musical artists right now?
TS: I like all genres of music and I was raised with two different musical cultures, Indian and “American” which I am very grateful for. I go through these stages of immersing myself in artists from America and then switch to nothing but Bollywood soundtracks. Currently, I am addicted to the Bollywood soundtrack for “Tashan”…it’s simply amazing!
PT: Who are your inspirations when it comes to music?
TS: I’ve been performing with my family, The Sugandh Family, every weekend since I was five years old. Hearing the voices and witnessing the performance styles of my mother, father, and sister, Seema, have been my greatest inspirations. They have encouraged, loved, and supported me wholeheartedly throughout my life, and they are all on my debut album as it would not have been complete without them. For example, you can hear Seema’s voice on the intro of “T.here I.s N.o A.lternative”. Her voice is incredible!
PT: Chris Cox did a great job remixing Break Me. Do you have plans to work with him on an upcoming single?
TS: I would love to! I’m so very grateful to him for doing such an awesome job on the remix. I can’t believe it’s up to #7 this week on the Billboard Dance Charts!
PT: What are some similarities between Bollywood and dance music?
TS: Bollywood is all about the dancing! Personally, my favorite thing about dance music is how a really good beat can make you feel elated. The same thing happens to me with the music of Bollywood when I hear the sound of a dhol, tabla, naal, ghatam, and the tons of other percussion that is used. Also, there is a strong visual element to the word “Bollywood”. When I think of “Bollywood”, I visualize a multitude of vibrant colors, blissful dancing, happiness, joy, and tons of sparkles and glitter. This is similar to what I think of when I visualize the feeling of dancing to an amazing club track. So, I guess the short answer is “rhythm” and “elation”.
PT: Can you tell us a little about your experience filming your new music video?
TS: Shooting the video for “Break Me” was incredible. It was a long and hectic and very exciting day, and there was not a moment to lose focus or rest since we decided to challenge ourselves and do all three scenes in one day! We actually have footage of me having 30 minutes to totally change my makeup and oufit. The footage is of three people-one is tugging at my hair trying to straighten it, the other tugging to pull my fake eyelashes off, and the other tugging at my outfit to pin it correctly-all while I’m trying to keep my head straight in order to quickly shove a bite of lasagna in my mouth! Glamourous, huh? We chose to NOT edit that into the behind-the-scenes look at the video (which is currently on youtube). I am really excited for everyone to see the real video because it really sums up who I am. It shows the “Bollywood” me with all the vibrant colors and Bollywood choreography, and then it shows the “Hollywood” me with more slick colors and a hip-hop style of dance, and then the two worlds collide, and “Tina Sugandh” is defined!
PT: Break Me is currently #7 on the Billboard Club Play Chart and rising. Where can your fans see you perform Break Me live?
TS: Being on stage is home to me since I’ve been on it since I was five, and I can not wait to get out there and tour and perform “Break Me!” Right now I’m doing a few private shows, but my management and label are currently working on touring plans, so please do check my website for updates! (http://www.tinasugandh.com/)
PT: What do you have planned for the future and what projects are you currently working on?
TS: My album will be released in January, and so we are gearing up to do everything involved in releasing an album such as a press tour and a performance tour. My management is also looking into offers revolving around other passions of mine such as acting (I am signed to CAA), and starting a clothing line that is a genuine reflection of all that I have grown up with….a true “East meets West” clothing line with colorful and sparkly accessories as well such as bindis, bangles, foot jewelry, hand jewelry, and more! I also have done quite a bit of charity work in the past and and I really look forward to contributing more. I know that the more successful I become, the more I can give back. That is definitely the most fulfilling part of seeing my success grow!
Great interview! Thanks for posting this. I honestly didn't know she wrote her entire album...incredible.
I heard this song in the club on Friday - luv it. Hadn't heard it before, but checking out this girl now.
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